Herbert Needham
Worsted spinner and yarn manufacturer expert,
Bert Needham was a Lecturer and Head of the
Textile Department at Bradford College from 1959
to 1981. In 1983 Bert was posthumously awarded
The Textile Institute Service Medal for his services
to the industry.
Herbert Needham, fondly known as Bert
attended the ‘Tech’ as man and boy for over
40 years. Bert had a distinguished career in
textiles, employed by Thomas Ambler and
Sons (worsted spinners) until 1948.
A break
in service came during the war years 1940 to
1946 during which time Bert was involved in
the liberation of the Channel Islands.
In 1948 he joined Wolsey Limited being
promoted to Technical Manager in spinning
production. Joining the College in 1959
Bert soon had a significant influence on
the teaching and learning of textiles.
He recognised the value of employer
engagement, after all many students came to
the ‘Tech’ on day release or in the evenings
and relied on their employers for support. His
contacts with the industry proved of immense
value to the College, and with the help of
Keith Wear and fellow Textile Trust Fund
members secured gifts of ‘state of the art’
machinery to the department.
Bert was highly regarded in his specialist field
for his research and development in yarn
production and textile testing. He presented
many research papers to the industry at
home and abroad. He promoted the industry
and its importance for the national economy
and for 7 years demonstrated yarn and cloth
production to members of the public at the
Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate.
Whilst serious about his vocation for textiles,
Bert was known for having a sense of humour.
He wrote “Let it be said of me, I was a
Yorkshire man. I loved textiles, meat pies, fish
and chips, Tiger sauce, Brass bands, Gilbert
and Sullivan, the Messiah, Rugby football,
cricket, crown green bowls and wore a flat
cap.” Sadly shortly after retirement Bert
passed away, unable to collect in person The
Textile institute Service Medal, posthumously
awarded by Sir James Hill in 1983.
Photograph supplied by Christine Thornton