
Stuart Brear

Telecommunications and business services executive and consultant, Stuart Brear, studied at Bradford Technical College for one year full-time from 1964 to 1965, then attended on a day release until 1970, when he qualified as an electrician.

Stuart BrearStuart first came to Bradford College in September 1964 as a full-time student on the BITS, Electrical Installation ‘A’ Certificate course.

“Out of all the years at Bradford College, the full time year was the most interesting and rewarding. The course was designed for people like me leaving school without GCEs (no hopers!) but with a guarantee of an apprenticeship on successful completion and ‘A’ Certificate. My results were among the best because of the way the course and lectures bridged the academic to practical gap.

It was the era of ‘swinging sixties’ so there were many distractions and I used to get across to the Art College as often as possible to work peeling potatoes to earn an extra couple of bob a week as there were no grants in those days. My Father got the massive sum of £12 for me for the year! I got half a crown a day (12.5p)! I actually got sacked from peeling spuds because I left them in the machine too long so I could speed up the peeling but wasted too much potato - my first experience of the commercial world and system processes.”

Stuart then began as an apprentice JIB Journeyman Electrician working for Inman Joist, attending College on day release. After a couple of years this company was taken over by another Bradford based company, Smith and Croft Ltd, where he continued and completed his apprenticeship.

In 1970 after qualifying as an electrician, Stuart joined N G Bailey & Co Ltd. He was appointed as Draughtsman in their drawing office where he progressed through Senior Draughtsman to Design Engineer, holding various technical support positions leading to Design Team Leader in 1980. In 1978, after 4 years part-time study at Leeds Polytechnic he was awarded a BSc. Stuart then became Senior Design Engineer and was made Manager responsible for Technical Engineering Services throughout the company. In 1982 he was appointed Associate Director (N G Bailey Co Ltd) and General Manager, Telecommunications. In 1985 Bailey Telecommunications formed as a separate business within the Bailey Group, and Stuart became General Manager progressing to Chief Executive/Managing Director of Bailey Telecom Ltd.

After leading the business and company for 15years, Stuart moved to Unity Electric International, based in New York with an office in Canary Wharf. From 2000 he worked for Unity / Uni-Data in London and Leeds as General Manager.

“In 2003 I left the Company and formed my own consultancy, Hawk Communications and Business Services Ltd, where I have worked providing both consultancy and executive line management positions in telecommunications and business services to a number of clients. I am currently contracted to Carillion plc as Regional Director (London) in their IT Services Company.”

Photograph supplied by Stuart Brear